Products & Categories
We provide system solutions for vascular diagnostics and therapy. Our products are committed to providing safe, effective, innovative and indication-driven system solutions for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases at low cost.
About us
Welcome to Advanced Healthcare LLC
We have built an enviable reputation in the cardio medical supplies industry in United Arab Emirates. Our annual presence, accompanied by our doctor-clients, at major global medical events, we have been able to cover the demands of all Cath-Labs in a short time.
Our skills
Our specialisations
Satisfied Clients
10 +
Years of Excellence
Medical equipments

Why Advanced Healthcare LLC?
Advanced Healthcare LLC is one of the leading companies in the field of importing and distributing cardio medical supplies to private and public hospitals in United Arab Emirates.
Lower capital investment
Get quality refurbished equipment at cost-effective prices
Extended life of your equipment
Rather than getting dumped, your device can be used by other hospitals
Reliable service and warranties
Efficient customer care and with timely product servicing